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Climb On

Jenny & Adam

TONSAI, Thailand // We probably could be traveling a lot lighter, but our backpacks have included lots of climbing gear. If we would have thrown all our climbing stuff in the trash at the end of 2 weeks, we would have still gotten our moneys worth by bringing it all. Renting new equipment everyday is a pain, and with our own stuff we have the added benefit of knowing that the gear is safe and in great condition, especially when you trust your life with it. We intend to use everything again when we enter Laos in a few weeks to climb. We arrived in southern Thailand with the following equipment:

  • 60 meter 10.2 rope
  • 2 pairs of climbing shoes
  • 2 climbing harnesses 
  • 12 quickdraws
  • 6 locking caribiners
  • 4 bail biners
  • 3 nylon slings
  • 1 Grigri autolock device
  • 2 ATC's
  • 2 prusik cords
  • 1 chalk bag

We started slow and eventually built up to more difficult climbs. This is the list of climbs on Railay / Tonsai we completed with their locations and difficulty levels:

  • Chock Dee, Diamond Cave, 5 // 5.8
  • Name Unknown, Diamond Cave, 5 // 5.8
  • Mot Deang, Diamond Cave, 5 // 5.8
  • Shadow Show, Muai Thai Wall, 5 // 5.8
  • Back to Mani, Phra-Nang Beach, 5 // 5.8
  • Pra-Nang Princess, Phra-Nang Beach, 5 // 5.8
  • Money Maker, Phra-Nang Beach, 6a+ // 5.10a
  • I Don't Know, Wee's Present Wall, 6a // 5.9
  • A Man Can Tell 1000 Lies, Wee's Present Wall, 6a // 5.9
  • Lord of the Thais, Pitch 1, Thaiwand Wall, 6a+ // 5.10a
  • The Groove Tube, Fire Wall, 6a // 5.9
  • I Speak No England, Tonsai, 6b // 5.10b
  • Cowabungalow, Tonsai, 6b // 5.10b
  • Stalagasaurus, Tonsai, 6c // 5.10c
  • Humanaility, Pitch 1, Pitch 2, Pitch 3, Tonsai, 6b+ // 5.10c
  • Big Wave, Pitch 1, Monkey World, 6a+ // 5.10a
  • Rod Yaak Difficult to Pass, Tonsai, 6b // 5.10b